World Master Baker
‘World Master Baker’, a prestigious title that only six bakers in the world currently hold. In 2018, after completing four years of qualification rounds, I competed against four candidates, among the best bakers worldwide. The jury assessed our knowledge, creativity, innovation, and technical know-how. After a breathtaking competition I won the title ‘World Master Baker’ in the category ‘Nutritional Bread Making’.
As a fifth generation baker I wanted to spend more time working with bakers. That’s why, in 2016 I founded Atelier du Pain: to help every bakery, big or small, to achieve the best quality, together, and in the best possible way.
The craft of baking is incredibly beautiful, but also complex. Everything is possible, nothing is a given. Any change during production may require a change further on in the process – or not. This magnitude of possibilities makes every baker unique. It’s all about balance. Atelier du Pain helps you achieve it.
Target Group
Atelier du Pain helps bakers improve, renew, or optimise the quality (of their breads). I offer independent advice about all processes within a bakery, from craft to industry, and anything in between.
Do you remember what you wanted to be, growing up?
Without a doubt, I always wanted to be a baker. I come from a long line of bakers. Baking has been in our blood for five generations. And it doesn’t stop there – the sixth generation of bakers is just around the corner!
From baker to baking consultant
In the end, I didn’t start my own bakery. I worked in artisanal companies and various raw material suppliers, where I gained experience in raw materials, techniques, and commerce. As a baking consultant I regularly organise demonstrations, masterclasses, tastings, presentations, product verification, and training. I also arrange production planning and attend events like Big Green Egg Flavour day, where I let food lovers taste the bread I baked on a Big Green Egg.
For years I’ve been a member of the BoulangerieTeam, an association by and for Dutch artisanal bread bakers. The BoulangerieTeam represents artisanal bread baking within the sector and towards consumers. One of the ways we do this is by participating in (inter)national competitions.
World Master Baker
In 2013 I took part in the very first Master Baker examination in the Netherlands, where I achieved the Master Baker title by demonstrating my knowledge, passion, craftsmanship and vision to an international examination committee. It’s something I’m proud of. The examination website states: “The title of Master Baker is reserved for only the very best. It’s the highest rating for the bakery craft. It demonstrates world class in the field, vision, and implementing innovative concepts.”
Atelier du Pain
In 2016, after 22 years in the baking industry, I embarked on a new path. Atelier du Pain was a dream come true: working together with bakers to develop the finest breads. Atelier du Pain is an incubator for new ideas. I offer product development and support, consulting, training and quality support.
Awards & titles
2018 • 1st prize
Masters de la Boulangerie
2016 • 8th prize
Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie
2015 • 1st prize Coupe Louis Lesaffre
(qualifications Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie)
2013 • Entitled
Master Baker
2012 • 1st prize
EK Boulangerie Amsterdam
2011 • 4th prize
EC Boulangerie Nantes
2010 • 4e plaats
EC Boulangerie Switzerland
2006 • 4th prize
EC Boulangerie Nantes
since 2006 • Boulangerieteam
European Champion – in 2012 and 2015

Peter Bienefelt
Master Baker
Education and experience, a brief summary.
Richmond Schule – 2009
HAS Den Bosch – 2008
Language Institute Regina Coeli te Vught (French) – 2004
ISBW Utrecht (Nima Sales) – 2002-2003
ISBW Utrecht (personal development and presentation) – 2001
Vocational training Wageningen – 1990-1994
Technical Advisor Industry (Puratos)
Master Baker (Koopmansmeel B.V. Leeuwarden)
Bakery technology (Koopmansmeel B.V. Leeuwarden)
Senior Bakery Specialist (NBC, Dutch bakery centre Wageningen)
Member Dutch BoulangerieTeam
Member Bakery Nexus
All-round test baker (Koopmansmeel B.V. Leeuwarden)
Rayon manager (Koopmansmeel B.V. Leeuwarden)
Demonstrations, guest and jury memberships:
‘Procesonderbreking’ (parbaking)
‘Terug naar de basis’ (back to basics)
‘Voorjaars/Najaars producten’ (spring/autumn products)
‘Desem en hoe ga je ermee om?’ (sourdough and how to handle it)
‘Oliebollentraingen’ (training ‘oliebollen’)
Assessments (groups) (Echte) Bakkers, schools
Assessor NBC (Dutch bakery centre)
Training EK Boulangerie products for NBC
Masterclasses ‘terug naar de basis’ (back to basics) for NBOV, the Dutch entrepreneurial organisation for bread and patisserie bakers)
Baker days in Rosmalen
Magazine ‘Passie voor Puur’ (Passion for Pure)
Session Bread and Wine in the Ridderzaal
Big Green Egg Flavour day
Meester Boulanger Peter Bienefelt
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